Get Involved
It takes many people and local organizations and businesses to make this event happen each year! In fact, this year we have taken steps to make it even easier to get involved by launching our Online Registration system.
Meetings start in January to plan for June. Each year support and participation has grown and we thank all who have made this event in a success in the past and are currently working to make it happen again this year.
For a full list of our sponsors this year, please see our Sponsors page. We thank them for their dedication to children's safety in our community.
If you would like to contribute to the Officer Newbill Safety Fair this year, here are the ways you can help:
Become a sponsor
Become a volunteer
Have a booth at the fair (must be child safety related)
Make a donation
You can make us aware of your wish to contribute by following either of the links below. Thank you for being involved!
You can submit an application form here, download a hard-copy, or contact us if you're interested in getting involved, or for more information.